Recently my husband started a second part-time job in the evening leaving me to be by myself more than ever. What do one do with her time when she is home alone? I crochet like there's no tomorrow! Lol. I figure I should fill my time with something I enjoy and get something out of it. Within the last week I have made five hats and scarves plus two pairs of slippers! The hats and scarves are for the kids at the daycare I watch, and the slippers are gifts for family members.
Because I have so much time to myself these days I have been looking for ideas to redecorate my ideas I'm a broke artist remember!? Anyways, my most recent project is our bedroom. I found a picture online with frames hung on a wall and just fell in love with it. Here's a picture of what I want, but with white frames and a purple background. What do you guys think?
My goal is to do one project a day and blog about it! Today was day one and white frames were on the agenda. I went to a small thrift store in Crystal and found a ton of frames for a super duper good deal! However, when I was at the store I decided to get all rectangle frames because there wasn't any unique ones. I bought eight frames and came home to paint them only to find I didn't have enough white paint! I hate it when I have my heart set on a project get super excited about it and can't finish it for stupid reasons! I will have to make a trip to the art store to get more paint! Oh...side note. Would gesso work? Or would it be too dry? Has anyone used gesso on wood before because if you have and it works let me know because I have a ton of gesso! Anyways, here's a couple of pictures of the frames and how far I got on them. Stay tune for further update on the redecorating!
I wish I can make hat for our kids at the daycare too.