So I haven't been doing a very good job keeping up with the blog as you can see, but I have been working on redecorating my apartment still. The first project was cutting bird silhouettes for one of the wall in the living room. I went to Jo-ann fabric and bought a few items for the project. So I got some black and white card stock paper, cork tiles, and a glue stick. This project is actually really simple, but very time consuming. First I had to find some bird silhouettes online, made them various sizes, printed them out, and then cut out each individual silhouette. Than I traced them onto the card stocks, cut that out, traced it onto the cork tiles, cut that out, glued the card stock and cork tiles together. Finally, I put the mounting tape on the back of all the silhouettes and than onto the wall! Sounds like a lot, but it's not that bad and it kind of fun if you're into that kind of stuff. Some of you might think why didn't I just buy decals right? Well, decals are very expensive for the amount you get! I think I spent only like $10.00 for everything to make the project. To me it was a better deal than just buying decals plus I get to choose what the birds would look like and what size they will be! I forgot to take a before picture of the wall, but it was just a plain white wall with the black shelves and the picture frames. Here are a few pictures of the wall. The cute little boy in the picture frame is my super adorable nephew!

I am still crocheting like crazy! I finished all the hats and scarves for the kids at the daycare, but I have been working on stuff for my co-workers and some staffs at my work place. So far I have made a pair of slippers for a co-worker, two hats for staffs, and two headbands. Right now I'm working on two more hats for a staff and a co-worker. I forgot to take pictures of the hats, slippers, and headband so I don't have pictures to show you guys, but I'll take pictures of the two new hats I'm working on right now once it's finish!
A new update! I got a new job that is full-time so this next week will be my last week at the daycare. Sad face!!!! It's going to be extremely hard to say good bye to all those cute faces! But that also means that I won't have as much time to work on craft projects plus I will be working longer hours so I will be more tired too. But we will see, hopefully everything will be okay and I will have enough time to update all of you guys on my projects!