For example a novel call Alia's Mission: Saving the Books of Iraq by Mark Stamaty. This novel might be used i

What makes graphic novels right and good for classrooms? Graphic novels have themes and these themes are:
- Individual development and Identity: Learning about myself, classroom community, and the food we eat.
- Families: In our community and in other places.
- Our community: How they meet our needs and wants
- People, places, and environments: Cultures in our community, our Native American past, and making global connections.
These themes can be used to help students learn and students tend to learn better when they are engaged. To get them engaged, educators have to get the student's attention. To do that we need to use what they like. Whether all the students like graphic novels or not, they are still going to be more engaged because it's different from what they are use to. Not only that but the reading is much more complex and short. Like what a lot of graphic novel readers say, it's very fast pace. We were all students once and most of us still are, we know how it's like to be a student. If there is an easy way out, we will take it!
Like I said, I have never been a graphic novel reader and probably will never be. But I know a lot of people who do read them and say they aren't that bad! It's acutally really easy to read and fun. If this is true and some graphic novels are educational, wouldn't you want to use them in your classrooms? And you never know, teachers might learn a thing or two also!